SFS chairman Jacob Färnert writes a reply to Liberal student's debate article.
Regardless of what Liberal students portray, the reality is that the student aid system does not prevent students from working. Students can always work alongside their studies. It is rather a question of whether you will receive a government grant at the same time.
Liberal students state in their opinion program that the welfare state should prioritize the groups with the greatest need and that grants should be means-tested. But in terms of the student aid, they argue directly against that line - that students should be able to have high incomes from work and still receive the same allowance.
SFS believes that work alongside the studies must be a possibility, but not a necessity to be able to finance your studies. It is unfortunate that so many students are forced to work alongside their studies to make ends meet. The student aid system needs to be developed to cover a reasonable standard of living.
Read the whole article on SvD.se