Will the Liberals keep what they promised us and compensate the student unions for the loss of revenue they pushed through in 2010? Or will the betrayal become a fact?
Chairman Rasmus Lindstedt and vice chairman Elsa Berlin debate the planned reduction in the student unions' grants.
The government's autumn budget proposal indicates that the Liberals want to break their previous promise to Sweden's student unions. Funding for the student unions will decrease by SEK 20 million from 2026 - to a fraction of what the Liberals promised 15 years ago. But with party leader Johan Pehrson as the new education minister, there are good chances to rethink.
The student unions are the collective voice of the students at our universities and colleges. The statutory core mission includes being a constructive force that monitors and participates in the development of education and the conditions for studies. The student unions are an important quality assurance mechanism and a prerequisite for high-quality education.
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