SFS chairman Rasmus Lindstedt and the Tenants Association's vice chairman Ola Palmgren write a debate article in Aftonbladet about the difficult situation in the student housing market
In order to increase the number of housing for students and ensure that everyone, regardless of socio-economic background or disability, has the opportunity to study further, an aggressive housing policy is needed. Proposals for eased accessibility requirements have at best a very small effect, but more likely they are rather ineffective in increasing the pace of construction.
In difficult times, the state must step in and enable increased construction, even of housing with lower profit margins. Increased government funding and favorable construction loans are needed to increase the availability of student housing, in combination with a strengthened and reformed housing allowance.
If the government continues with a passive housing policy, more and more students and young adults will be prevented from starting their dream education due to the lack of access to student housing. The government should know better.
Read the full article at Aftonbadet.se