European students are protesting against cuts in the education sector

SFS equivalent in Denmark, DSF (Danske Studerandes Fælleråd) launched The Educational Alliance earlier today as a reaction to the sharp cuts in the budget for the Danish higher education sector. SFS, together with 30 other student organizations in 18 European countries, has signed the campaign. The Danish cuts are not only a problem in Denmark but part of a larger trend in Europe.

If higher education is to exist for everyone, there must be a variation in the range of education. The supply must not be determined by which educations are seen in the long term as profit-maximizing based on the needs of the labor market. Sharp cuts in the higher education sector also affect quality. Without sufficient resources, the ambition that higher education will exist for all will hardly be more than a theoretical expression of will.

In the attached file called Manifest DSF, you can read the manifesto for The Educational Alliance.