Digitalization – Education Monitoring Network


The invitation will be sent out via email. Haven't you received it? Email [email protected]

NFUA – The Network for Education Managers, now becomes NUB – Network for Education Monitoring!

The theme of this meeting is digitalization. The digitalization of higher education entails both opportunities and risks. It is also a broad topic that touches on everything from pedagogy, to accessibility, to the design of campus environments. 

The focus of this meeting is on the exchange of experiences and dialogue about how digitalization affects the quality of education. Please reflect on these questions in advance:

  • How does your university work with digitalization and are you involved in the work?
  • What is important from a student perspective when it comes to digitalization?
  • What are the biggest challenges and opportunities with digitalization?
  • How do you work to represent distance learning students?
  • What conditions do you as a student union need to have to be able to represent distance learning students?

Please email. [email protected] if you have requests regarding topics or want us at SQC to talk about something in particular.


About NUB and SQC

Network for Education Monitoring (NUB), formerly the Network for Education Managers (NFUA), is a network within SFS. The purpose of the network is competence development, collaboration on quality issues and to provide an arena for dialogue between education monitors and student representatives at various student unions. The network is coordinated by the SFS Quality Committee (SQC). The committee functions as a hub for quality issues within the student movement and for ongoing contact with relevant actors regarding the national quality system and its development.

Please get in touch [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns. If you are from a member union and have not received an invitation, it is also fine to contact [email protected] the invitation will go out to you shortly.

You can also read more about the network here and about SQC here.