A warm welcome to the digital member meeting at SFS!
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Welcome! SFS member coordinator Johan Kovaniemi welcomes.
1. SFS new political focus issue for 2024/25-26/27 and proposals before SFSFUM
Right now, the SFS board is developing a new proposal for a new political focus issue. The current political focus issue ends in the summer of 2024 and it is therefore time to come up with a new one. In May 2024, the board will propose to the SFS council to adopt a new political focus issue. At this meeting, the board presents how the work has gone and the main features of the proposal that is currently being proposed. There is an opportunity to comment and make contributions to the proposal.
The board will also present how many proposals are planned to be sent to SFSFUM and their content. Here, too, there is the opportunity to comment and record!
2. SFS budget 2023/24
At the previous digital member meeting, we reviewed how SFS's budget process works and how we strive for it to be as transparent as possible. At this meeting, the board will present how the reasoning goes for the upcoming budget. We also ask for input from your members if you have any comments, suggestions or other thoughts about the SFS budget.
3. Presentation of SFS development work with student influence at the university of applied sciences
The university of applied sciences is a real talking point in the education industry, and recently a government investigation has suggested that education should expand by 30 percent in ten years. However, the issue of influence for students is still in need of development. They are only a few universities of applied sciences that have associations that work with student issues. Nor does SFS represent students at the university of applied sciences. In collaboration with the Authority for the University of Applied Sciences, SFS works to develop student influence at the university of applied sciences. Elin Frösell, student representative at the SFS office, presents the development work and the background to the collaboration between SFS and the authority.
4. The word freely
Under this point, there is an opportunity to raise issues that are current in your student union and that you would like to discuss with other student unions. It can be anything between heaven and earth! Feel free to submit questions before to [email protected] or directly at the meeting. If the questions are submitted in advance, we have time to prepare it better.