Welcome to the digital members' meeting on January 16, 2024!
As a member of the Swedish National Union of Students (SFS), you are invited to 2024's first digital members' meeting. The digital member meetings are an opportunity for us to meet and raise current issues between our physical meetings. You are welcome to participate with one or more representatives from your union. It doesn't have to be the chairman.
Information about SFSFUM2024 which is 3-5 May 2024 in Kalmar. SFS member coordinator Johan Kovaniemi begins by telling about the call and other practical details that are relevant for the member unions. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions. After that, the SFS board talks about the proposal work, the content of the proposed proposals so far and about the future approach. Also regarding this part, there will be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the content.
Member associations are asked to prepare questions or concerns that you have about the upcoming SFSFUM.
Students' financial situation
In December, SFS published a memo, Study aid reform – reform proposal for a modern study aid, which proposes several changes to the study aid to improve the students' financial situation. Student finances have been a topical issue in recent years and therefore we will set aside time for joint discussion on these issues. We will also tell you how we have reasoned with the proposals and what the political situation looks like at the moment, followed by discussion and time for questions.
Member associations are asked to reflect on how the student financial situation looks like in your student city/cities.
Increased costs for premises and cuts in student space
At the last digital members' meeting, several student unions raised the issue of increased premises costs for the country's higher education institutions and that it affects the students negatively. We are visited by Peter Liljenstolpe, campus manager and security manager, Mälardalen University and chairman of Swedish University & College Association's (SUHF) expert group for real estate and security issues, which tells about the higher education institutions' view of increased premises costs and how the dialogue is going in the sector. Peter will also talk about it letter that SUHF's sent to the government in the fall of 2022 about increased local costs.
Member associations are asked to reflect on whether the issue of increased premises costs has been relevant at your university and how the discussions have gone and what consequences it has for the students.
The word is free
Under this point, there is an opportunity to raise issues that are current in your student union and that you would like to discuss with other student unions. It can be anything between heaven and earth! Feel free to submit questions before to [email protected] or directly at the meeting. If the questions are submitted in advance, we have time to prepare it better.
The timetable
15:00-15:30 SFSFUM2024
15:30-16:00 Students' financial situation
15:55-16:05 Break
16:05-16:40 Increased costs for premises and cuts in student spaces
16:40-16:55 Speech is free
16:55-17:00 Finish
Johan Kovaniemi
Member Coordinator
E-mail: [email protected]
Telephone: 076 544 01 10