Welcome to the second meeting with the network for education managers!

Welcome to the second meeting with the network for education managers!

When: November 21 at 15:15 p.m. to 17:00 p.m

After collecting the member unions' current issues at the first meeting, we will therefore at this meeting focus on student representation and student influence for international students!

NFUA is a network within SFS. The purpose of the network is competence development, cooperation in quality issues and to form an arena for dialogue between education managers at different student unions. The network is coordinated by the SFS quality committee (SQC). The committee functions as a hub for quality issues within the student movement and for ongoing contact with relevant actors regarding the national quality system and its development.

At this meeting, the focus will be international students and student influence. How can international students be included in the student influence? How can we create a quality culture where international students' perspectives can also take place? What can we do to ensure that international students can also take part in the quality assurance work?

We will have two guests speaking:

  • Linus Ohlsson, former chairman of Consensus - the Faculty of Medicine's student union at Linköping University, who will contribute a student perspective on the issue.
  • Maria Wilenius, former chief secretary of the investigation Increased attractiveness for the knowledge nation Sweden SOU 2018:78 also known as the "Internationalisation investigation" will tell about the investigation's conclusions and internationalization in relation to student influence.

Following the request, we have also given the member unions the opportunity to send in questions or thoughts about the subject that can be addressed at the meeting. It can be done through this link.

Participation takes place via this Zoom link.

Welcome to us!

Vänliga hälsningar,

SQC through Jacob Färnert, Oscar Vines, Policarpio Hamberg Bernerstedt and Tilda Jalakas.