Meeting #4 with the Union Leaders' Circle

Welcome to the meeting with the Union Leaders' Circle

Theme: Budget and recovery

At the first meeting in 2025, we will talk about budget and recovery! How can we prepare our operations for the budget cuts in 2026 and how to build a good budget? We will share experiences on operational planning and efficiency!

Christmas and New Year have hopefully provided a much-needed time for recovery, but how can we ensure sustainable engagement during the semesters? We're talking about burning without burning out, and the importance of recovery!

What is the circle of union leaders?

The circle of choir leaders is a network launched as part of the SFS organizational focus issue on engagement. The network is aimed at you who have a position in your student union and want to exchange experiences on leadership, organisation, commitment and board issues.

The networking meeting is exclusive to student unions that are members of SFS and SFS elected representatives.

Invitation and upcoming meetings

If you would like to receive invitations to the Union Leaders' Circle, email [email protected] then we will add you to the network.

Upcoming meetings:
March 4, 2025 at 15:15-16:30 PM via Zoom

29 April 2025 at 15:15-16:30 via Zoom.

21 May 2025 at 15:15-16:30 via Zoom.