Student representatives as assessors in UKÄ's evaluation of programs leading to a psychology degree. 

About the mission

The Swedish University of Applied Sciences (UKÄ) is the authority that reviews the quality of higher education, monitors and analyzes developments within higher education, and exercises legal supervision over universities and colleges. In 2025 and 2026, UKÄ will conduct an evaluation of programs leading to a psychology degree, and SFS has been asked to nominate student representatives to be part of the assessment group. 

The evaluation is based on a peer review conducted by an external assessment group consisting of subject experts from universities and colleges, student representatives and representatives of the working world with relevant knowledge and experience from working life. The assignment includes reviewing the documents, participating in meetings and conducting interviews with representatives of the higher education institutions and students, and jointly writing a statement with feedback to the higher education institution on the areas of development and good examples that have been identified in each education.

The work of the assessment group results in a collective assessment for each programme that is evaluated. The assessment group's collective assessments form the basis for UKÄ's decisions on the quality of the programmes. The assessors are tasked with jointly checking the results of each programme and contributing to its development, but with a certain division of responsibility between them. In general terms, the latter means that subject experts from universities and colleges specifically monitor the scientific conditions, student representatives specifically monitor issues of influence and the working life representatives specifically consider how well the programme ensures students' readiness to meet the demands and changes of working life.

Work effort for student representatives

The work for the assessors will mainly take place during the period January - August 2026, but will begin as early as August 2025 with an introduction to the assignment, an initial dialogue to adapt the evaluation and a kick-off meeting in September 2025. UKÄ plans to make a decision on the results of the evaluations in the autumn of 2026 and carry out the final dialogue on results and further development of the education with the higher education institutions and the assessment group no later than January 2027.

A couple of days are devoted to meetings and interviews with the programs being evaluated. Meetings and interviews are conducted remotely. The assignment as a student representative corresponds in time to approximately 16 working days. UKÄ pays the fee and covers the costs of any travel, overnight accommodations and shared meals in connection with the assignment.

We are looking for

Two students from different universities studying the psychology program. SFS has been asked to nominate both women and men for the assignment. Applicants should have relevant skills for assessing the education. Experience working with issues related to the educational environment and student influence is an advantage. 


Send your application to [email protected] no later than February 28, 2025. 

The application must contain a short motivation and CV, including contact information and social security number. 

The above information will be sent to UKÄ in connection with the SFS collective nomination. By submitting this information, you agree that SFS processes your data in line with SFS policy for personal data.