Elected representatives and employees

The Presidium

The board consists of chairman Rasmus Lindstedt and vice chairman Elsa Berlin. The presidium is elected by the SFS council and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the SFS office and is the face of the student movement. Between council and board meetings, the presidium bears responsibility for the organization and its operations. You can find a list of all previous presidiums at SFS wikipedia page.

Board of Directors

The board consists of the presidium and 11 non-profit members elected by SFSFUM. The board is ultimately responsible for the organization's activities and leads SFS between council meetings from a strategic perspective on both organizational and political issues. You will find which members are members of the board in the organization register.

The Chancellery

SFS's office is supervised by the presidium and constitutes the organization's operational unit based on the activities decided by the member corps. This includes everything from political preparation to project implementation and communication work. If you want to contact one of SFS 'employees, you will find all contact information at contact page.

Student representatives

SFS presidium has a right to appoint student representatives through a mandate from SFS's board. The student representatives are the student movement's extended arm in forums that concern national student and university policy forums. You can find a complete list of all student representatives in the organizational register. If you are interested in taking on a national student representative assignment, you can see if there are any vacancies or if any of the groups in the organizational register have vacancies.

Business auditors

SFS's auditors are elected by SFSFUM and ensure that all decisions made are in accordance with SFS's governing documents such as SFS statute. The auditors have the right to attend and speak at SFS 'board meetings.