
Högskolepodden is part of SFS's anniversary investment. Here you will get the latest news from the higher education policy sector, tips from the unions and in-depth interviews with actors in the higher education sector.

With Högskolepodden SFS wants to contribute with a platform to talk about, discuss and dive deep into higher education policy and student influence. The podcast will come out once a month. Each section will cover different topics and have different guests.

Högskolepodden #18 – Jacob Adamowicz

University politics! How is the debate actually going? What is one's university policy and how should we students think about the issues being discussed? It's time to take the temp - in an hour of university politics.

Högskolepodden #15 - The total defense

These are troubled times in the outside world and Högskolepodden discusses the role of universities in total defence. How are the universities and students affected by the new security policy situation? How would the education sector function during war and crisis?

Episode 14: Anna Ekström

At the end of the season by Högskolepodden Oskar M Wiik talks with Minister of Education Anna Ekström about (all) current political issues.

Episode 11: Åsa Romson

Åsa Romson, former spokesperson for the Green Party, talks about her role as a university teacher and researcher. Are there any common denominators between being a top politician and an educator?

Episode 10: True Cloud

Sanna Wolk, SULF's new union president, tells why it took ten years to get a permanent job as an academic, about how the new Migration Act threatens research and about how equal the research world really is.

Section 9: Torbjörn Nilsson

Torbjörn Nilsson, perhaps one of the country's most prominent political reporters, is a guest Högskolepoddens ninth section to tell about the university's political history.

Episode 8: Karin Röding

Karin Röding has been a power factor in the Swedish higher education sector for many years. What changes has she seen from within the machinery? And where are we going?

Episode 1: Premiere!

In the first episode, we get to meet SFS current presidium: Simon Edström and Linn Svärd. We get to know them as presidium and they talk about what can be expected from future episodes.