New rules for labor immigration etc. (SOU 2024:15)
SFS is essentially positive about the proposals.
SFS is essentially positive about the proposals.
SFS shares the assessment that stronger protection for students on police training is not needed.
The student unions we contacted believe that students on police training should, to the greatest extent possible, have the same conditions as other students. There is a concern that increased secrecy makes it more difficult for the student unions to reach out to students in police training with offers and membership recruitment activities. In the long run, this can weaken the police students' opportunity to participate in study social activities, to feel a sense of context at the university and not least to participate in the education monitoring part of the student influence.
The Swedish National Union of Students (SFS) has been offered to submit its views on the referral of A strengthened protection for the civilian population in case of heightened preparedness (SOU 2022:57).…
The Swedish National Union of Students, SFS, has not been offered to submit its views on the referral of the Proposal for a directive on the status of permanently resident third-country nationals, but has chosen to submit some views anyway.
Nothing left to charge.