Ministry of Social Affairs
SFS consultation response A security system for all (SOU 2023:30)
SFS has been offered to submit its views on the referral of A security system for all (SOU 2023:30). SFS is an association of student unions at Sweden's universities and colleges. SFS has approximately sixty member associations which together represent approximately 390 students and doctoral students.
Invitation to submit views on the regulation used during the covid-19 pandemic to regulate public gatherings and congestion
The Swedish National Union of Students, SFS, has been offered to submit views to the investigation on constitutional preparedness for future pandemics (S 2021:04) on the regulation that...
SFS entry for Review of qualifying and sick pay dir. 2022:23
The issue of waiting periods in the health insurance system for students has, just like the issue of part-time sick leave, been the subject of several previous investigations. SFS believes that…
The interim report Strengthened work to combat grant crime Administrative sanction system and more efficient handling of suspected crimes (SOU 2022:37)
The Swedish National Union of Students, SFS, has been offered to provide comments on the partial report of the 2021 grant crime investigation Strengthened work to combat grant crime - Administrative sanction system and more efficient handling of suspected crimes to the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Accurate - Introduction of monthly information in the housing allowance and maintenance support (SOU 2021: 101)
The Swedish National Union of Students, SFS, has been offered to submit its views on the consultation of Träffsäkert - Introduction of monthly information in the housing allowance and maintenance support (SOU 2021: 101).
Consultation response: Temporary provisions on certain carrier allowance due to covid-19 disease
(Full name: Temporary provisions on certain carrier allowances due to covid-19 disease and temporary provisions on preventive temporary parental benefits for a child…
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