Where should the students live? - see the whole webinar here

Today, Tuesday 15 December, SFS 'second anniversary seminar was launched and it was time to talk about housing.

In the panel sat:

  • Ola Palmgren, Spokesperson for questions about young people's housing in the Tenants' Association's federal board
  • Oskar M Wiik, Chairman of the Stockholm Student Union's Central Organization (SSCO)
  • Emma Hult, Member of the Riksdag and Bostad's LGBTQ and sports policy spokesperson for the Green Party
  • Josefin Malmqvist, Member of the Riksdag and Housing Policy Spokesperson for the Moderates

The moderator was SFS Vice Chairman Linn Svärd.

See the seminar in its entirety here:

SFS anniversary seminar is part of SFS '100th anniversary celebration in 2021. During the year, we will arrange seminars around the country. Each seminar has a theme and we will deal with current political issues concerning both the academy and students' life situation.