SFS chairman Jacob Färnert in a debate article with his Danish counterpart Esben Bjørn Salmonsen, spokesperson for Danske Studerendes Fællesråd (DSF), about the need for a higher education policy that focuses on quality, learning and critical thinking. This is due to the fact that SFS and DSF previously organized one in January 2024 bilateral ministerial seminar with Mats Persson, Sweden's Minister of Education, and Christina Egelund, Denmark's Minister for Higher Education and Research to discuss higher education policy in both countries and what we can learn from each other.
We watch with concern on the continued erosion of resources and that the demands of the labor market increasingly control the content of university educations. Higher education must remain true to its core missions – to foster critical thinking, learning and personal development.
Read the full article in sydsvenskan.se.