Join Almedalen this summer!

Update: Due to the current situation regarding Covid-19, registration for Almedalen has been extended. We will return as soon as we know more.

Join Almedalen this summer!

Almedalen Week is an annual event that this year takes place between Sunday 28 June and Sunday 5 July in Visby where politicians, those in power and opinion leaders meet to discuss current topics of relevance to society. SFS usually always sends parts of the chancellery as well as the old and new presidium to represent the students in debates, book meetings with otherwise difficult-to-reach people in power and generally meet the university sector. This year we want to try to have a joint participation in Almedalen; we know that many unions would like to go to Almedalen but have sometimes remarked that it is difficult to arrange accommodation and it is unclear which events are best to participate in. 

The purpose of this is partly to enable more people to participate in Almedalen's events and partly to create a more cohesive student movement by allowing us all to meet each other at the beginning of the financial year. The board and committees also have the opportunity to participate at cost price. SFS has booked most of the halls in the primary school presidium and the office usually live in. The offer is thus no more than a piece of floor space in a school hall that you will share with a maximum of 9 others and the opportunity to shower in the school premises. Inflatable mattress, hygiene products, food, etc. as well as travel is arranged in-house. SFS will not arrange any additional or special events in connection with this, nor will it coordinate those who participate but only enable participation by offering a place to sleep during the week. However, as usual, we will indicate which seminars and events SFS presidium participate in and be available for questions. You can also find more information on Almedalen Week's website:

Registration will be done according to a two-step model. Until March 16, you have the opportunity to register through the form below. If there are more registered than seats, the Bureau will make an assessment of how the seats will be distributed. After confirmation from the presidium, those who have been given a place will have two weeks to pay into SFS bankgiro, which is stated in the confirmation. Those who do not pay by that date will lose their place. If you want to pre-register individuals, for example not even elected elected representatives, you can enter the same name several times and then we can change these afterwards - however, it can be difficult to satisfy requests for room placement for these.

/ SFS Presidium 19/20
