39 exercises. 11 interpellations. 68 nominations.
Ahead of SFSFUM 2024, the board has received 39 proposals for the proposals from the member unions that the council will process on May 3-5, 2024 in Kalmar. The board has also received 11 interpellations. The selection committee has received 68 nominations.
The board sees a strong force in the student union movement. There is still much to be done for the students' education, social situation and academia in Sweden. How SFS does this in the best way, the board looks forward to discussing during the upcoming council meeting!
Many thanks to all motioners and interpellators for questions, sharp suggestions and contributions to SFS's work. See you in two weeks in Student City of the Year 2023, Kalmar!
Information from the election committee
Now the nomination committee's proposal for elected representatives in SFS for the business year 2023/24 is also published among the documents.