VoteIT for member unions

SFS are members of the association VoteIT, which offers a meeting tool for having completely digital meetings or as a decision support for physical or digital meetings. Since SFS is a member, we can share our installation / login if you as a member corps want to use VoteIT for your own meetings. SFS itself currently has no capacity to help you create meetings or be support. But people from VoteIT can be helpful with that. However, they charge for the support they provide. They charge SEK 1050 / h and they estimate that it takes 1-10 hours depending on how much help you need to set up the meeting. 

On VoteIT's website you can find more information about the meeting tool and also a FAQ with very many answers to eg when VoteIT is recommended / not recommended to use.

If you want to use VoteIT for your own meetings, contact me at [email protected].