ESC 48 and NOM 85

Matilda and Némo at ESC 48 in Warsaw

ESC 48

From September 19th to 21st, SFS International Committee (Komit) participated in the 48th European Student Convention (ESC) in Warsaw, Poland. The event, hosted by the Students’ Parliament of the Republic of Poland (PSRP) and organized by the European Students’ Union (ESU), brought together national student unions to discuss key issues in higher education. SFS was represented by Matilda Horn and Némo Chentre, both part of Komit. The theme for this ESC was Digitalisation and AI. The theme is relevant for Komit, as Némo will continue to work on the topic in ESUs new task force on Digitalisation and AI in the upcoming year. 

The sessions explored topics such as AI legislation, data processing tools, and digital learning platforms. Discussions delved into the role of AI in higher education, including its potential for improving accessibility and its impact on human rights and discrimination. Other topics included practical uses of AI, such as learning analytics and how automation can be used in relation to student feedback, prior learning recognition, and challenges related to plagiarism and intellectual property rights. 

Outside of sessions ESC provides time for the representatives from the member organisations to build relations and discuss current topics. 

NOM 85

Nordiskt Ordførandemöte, NOM, 85 was hosted by Danske Studerendes Fællesråd, DSF, and held in Copenhagen from October 3rd to October 6th. Komit participated from evening the 4th until the end of the meeting on the 6th. Elin, Matilda and Agnes participated. NOM is a Nordic-Baltic collaboration that brings together students from all over the Nordic countries and the Baltics, representing approximately 1.4 million students collectively. NOM is also one of the main platforms for cooperation within the European Students’ Union (ESU). A NOM meeting consists of seminar days with various guest speakers and workshops, as well as a formal meeting. 

Agnes and Matilda at NOM 85 in Copenhagen

Agnes and Matilda at NOM 85 in Copenhagen

The theme for NOM 85 was Activism, Advocacy and Politics. A highlight of the seminar days were presentations by every member organisation in NOM on how they work with political advocacy and activism. To hear how other national student unions work with these issues provided lots of  insight that SFS and Komit can take inspiration from. Elin and Matilda presented on SFS’ political work. 

The main decision during the meeting was to elect a new coordinator for NOM. The coordinator is responsible for communication and coordination within NOM and between NOM and other organisations and networks in ESU. Saku from SYL, Finland, was elected as the new coordinator. Two statements were proposed and adopted during the meeting as well. One was presented by EÜL, Federation of Estonian Student Unions, who wanted NOMs support for a statement aimed at their government due to a proposed budget cut to higher education. The second statement adopted was written by Komit on the value of higher education, in light of recent trends both nationally and internationally to reduce higher education to solely a means for competitiveness on the labour market. 

Both NOM and ESC are important forums for Komit, and thereby SFS, to meet, discuss with and learn from representatives of other countries in Europe. By building relations and taking active part in the work of both NOM and ESU, SFS can better safeguard and forward the interests of Swedish students within the relevant organisations in EU and the European Higher Education Area. 

Thank you PRSP and DSF for two interesting, educational and fun events!