SFSFUM's working method

At the beginning of SFSFUM, the council decides on its rules of procedure. It is this that regulates the working and attitude of the meeting. As the overall structure and working methods are usually similar from year to year, they are described on this page.

Each membership has the right to send a delegation to SFSFUM. The delegation is led by a delegation leader and consists of one or more delegates. Each delegation may also have an observer who has the right to be present but not the right to speak, make proposals or make demands. Each delegation has a number of mandates that can be seen as how many "votes" the delegation has in the decisions made during the meeting. In a delegation, the number of delegates is usually less than the number of seats, but both of these are proportional to how many students the membership represents.

SFSFUM as a meeting can be seen to consist of two main components: plenary and opinion square. During the plenary session, everyone sits in a larger auditorium and votes for approval or rejection of various proposals. But since the meeting is to take a position on many proposals, these are usually first discussed in an opinion square. 

During SFSFUM, the meeting tool VoteIT is used. VoteIT administers all motions that are submitted and used primarily as a tool for voting on motions and keeping track of the list of speakers.

Under SFSFUM, the following overall areas are affected according to the agenda that the council decides on:

  • Propositions
  • Interpellations
  • Other motions received
  • Val
  • Entry, exit and exclusion cases
  • Reports
  • Stories
  • Other points

Before the meeting

Before the meeting, documents are sent out to all member corps in accordance with the annual planning that the board decides on at the beginning of a financial year. Every year, the board presents a number of bills that are anchored with the members at member meetings before SFSFUM. Delegations have the right to request these, or in other matters, by submitting motions.

Motions can be made during the meeting, but many motions are also received before the meeting. The board always responds to these with motion answers and if the board requests rejection or approval of the received motion. Delegations can also submit interpellations, written questions that the board must answer, and answers to these come at the same time as the board's motion answers. During the meeting, the council may consider the interpellations answered or not answered.

During the meeting


In plenary, all delegates, the board and other relevant people sit in a large auditorium. The plenum is chaired by a council-appointed meetingpresidium. During the plenary, motions and proposals are put to the vote. Voting takes place by delegates via either oral acclamation or via VoteIT. In VoteIT, the head of the delegation has the right to distribute how many seats each representative has.

Oral acclamation takes place so that the Bureau of the meeting presents a proposal that the delegates can vote for by shouting "yes" to the statement "everyone who is for för shout yes" and vote against by shouting "yes" to the statement "everyone who is against … Shout then yes ”. If a representative believes that it is too uncertain which side had the most votes, this party can call a "vote". If voting is requested, it must always be carried out, which means that voting takes place via VoteIT.

For more information about the working methods of the plenum, please see the respective rules of procedure of each council, which can be found in the document archive.

Opinion square

Opinion squares are used to lead discussions outside the plenary. Representatives gather in the opinion squares to discuss and provide support for motions. If a motion receives sufficient support, it is lifted to plenary for a decision. Although motions can be discussed in plenary, the meeting risks going over time if the majority of the discussions are not conducted via the opinion squares.

Under the opinion squares there are a number of screens where bills and motions are set up as paper pages. At these screens, discussions take place about the motions, usually concerning each exerciser seeking support for his exercise. Under each motion there is a list where delegations can express their support by writing their union's name and number of seats. This list is not formal except that it is used as a tool for lifting or not lifting the motion to plenary.