SFSFUM Autumn 2020

Extra deployed SFSFUM Autumn 2020

Extra-FUM 2020 takes place on 2-4 October in Stockholm and via Zoom.

Election matters

Personal letters, nomination committee and auditor respectively


Presentation of the nomination committee
Other motions
Proposition 1
Presentation of Chancellery employee and Committee member
Possible continuation of Proposition 1
Proposition 5
Proposition 6

Presentation and hearing of candidates (election matters)
Continues with any bills from Saturday
Proposition 7
Election matters

The meeting is in plenary unless otherwise stated.

11:30 Lunch
12:15 FUM school
13:00 Opening and inauguration of the meeting with a speech by Minister of Labor Eva Nordmark
15:00 Coffee
17:30 The meeting ends for the day
18: 00 Supper

09:00 The meeting starts for the day
10:45 Coffee
13:00 Lunch
17:30 The meeting ends for the day
18.00 supper

09:00 The meeting starts for the day
12:30 Lunch
16:00 The meeting ends

Handbook with information for Extra-SFSFUM

Report presented at SFSFUM 2020

All documents for Extra-FUM 2020 will be sent out and published here. When SFSFUM 2020 decided on which points to raise, you can already find the bills as below. Bill 1 has been revised, but other bills and other motions apply from this spring.

Opinion square

Agenda on the agenda

Proposed rules of procedure

Membership matters

Documents published 2020-09-19

Propositions and exercise answers 20/21

Board 19/20 Exercise and interpellation answerr

What is SFSFUM?

The SFS General Assembly (SFSFUM) is SFS 'highest decision-making body and consists of SFS members. SFSFUM normally takes place once in the spring term in the city that has been named student city of the year and usually takes three days to complete.

At SFSFUM, the unions are represented in relation to how many students they represent. Information on how the distribution of seats takes place is sent out well in advance of SFSFUM. SFSFUM consists of 349 seats, but is represented by a lower number of physical delegates, and in addition there are also officials, observers, deputies and guests, a total of about 300 people are usually present during SFSFUM.

At SFSFUM, bills from the board and motions from member unions, council members and / or members from member unions are considered. The council also decides on the organization's governing documents such as the budget and business plan for the coming financial year.

Under SFSFUM, the organization's elected representatives are also elected in the form of a chairman and a vice chairman, also the presidium, as well as a board. Elected are also business auditors and the nomination committee.

SFSFUM can be seen to consist of two different main components: plenary and opinion square. During the plenary session, all delegates and the board sit in a larger auditorium and vote on or reject various proposals. But since the meeting will take a position on many proposals, these are usually discussed in opinion polls.