Valärenden SFSFUM 2022
Kravprofiler och nomineringsprocess
Valberedningen bjuder härmed in till nominering för förtroendeuppdrag inom SFS!
I nomineringsanmodan nedan finns information om vilka förtroendeuppdrag som är möjliga att nominera till, vem som har möjlighet att bli nominerad, vem som kan nominera samt hur nomineringar ska se ut och när de ska inkomma.
I de separata kravprofilerna nedan finns mer information om uppdragen.
De förtroendeuppdrag som är möjliga att nominera till är:
- SFS presidium*
- Ledamöter i SFS styrelse
- SFS verksamhetsrevisorer
- Ledamöter i SFS valberedning
*Valberedningen kommer att betrakta samtliga inkomna nomineringar till presidiet även som nomineringar till styrelseledamot, om inget annat anges i nomineringen
Job specifications and invitation to nominate in English.
The elections committee, with this letter, is inviting you to nominate persons to a position of trust within SFS! The Invitation to nominate, a document you can download below, includes information on which positions of trust are currently open for nominations, who is eligible to be nominated, who may nominate persons to positions of trust, as well as how the nominations should be presented and the last date for nominations to be sent in.
Also below are the job specifications for the different positions of trust. The positions of trust that are currently open for nominations are:
- SFS Presidium (Council of Executive officers)*
- Members of the SFS Board of Directors
- SFS Operations Auditors
- Members of the SFS Nominations Committee
*All nominations for SFS Presidium (Council of Executive Officers) posts will also be seen as nominations for members of the SFS Board of Directors, unless otherwise stated in the nomination